Iminā puñña-kammena upajjhāyā guṇuttarā
Ācariyūpakārā ca mātā pitā ca ñātakā
Suriyo candimā rājā guṇavantā narā-pi ca
Brahma-Mārā ca Indā ca loka-pālā ca devatā
Yamo mittā manussā ca majjhattā verikā-pi ca:
Sabbe sattā sukhī hontu puññāni pakatāni me
Sukhañca tividhaṁ dentu khippaṁ pāpetha vomataṁ.
Iminā puñña-kammena iminā uddisena ca
Khippāhaṁ sulabhe ceva taṇhupādāna-chedanaṁ.
Ye santāne hinā dhammā yāva nibbānato mamaṁ
Nassantu sabbadā yeva yattha jāto bhave bhave.
Uju-cittaṁ sati-paññā sallekkho viriyamhinā
Mārā labhantu nokāsāṁ kātuñ-ca viriyesu me.
Buddhādi-pavaro nātho dhammo nātho varuttamo,
Nātho pacceka-buddho ca saṅgho nāthottaro mamaṁ.
Tesottamānubhāvena mārokāsaṁ labhantu mā.

Through the goodness that arises from my practice,
May my spiritual teachers and guides of great virtue,
My mother, my father, and my relatives,
The Sun and the Moon, and all virtuous leaders of the world,
May the highest gods and evil forces,
Celestial beings, guardian spirits of the Earth, and the Lord of Death,
May those who are friendly, indifferent, or hostile,
May all beings receive the blessings of my life.
May they soon attain the threefold bliss and realize the Deathless.
Through the goodness that arises from my practice,
And through this act of sharing,
May all desires and attachments quickly cease
And all harmful states of mind.
Until I realize Nibbana
In every kind of birth, may I have an upright mind.
With mindfulness and wisdom, austerity and vigor,
May the forces of delusion not take hold
Nor weaken my resolve.
The Buddha is my excellent refuge.
Unsurpassed is the protection of the Dhamma.
The Solitary Buddha is my noble lord.
The Sangha is my supreme support.
Through the supreme power of all these
May darkness and delusion be dispelled.