
On our Resources page you’ll find audio recordings of dhamma talks from past retreats, links to other sites hosting dhamma talks, a list of selected writings in this tradition, and links to some of TBC’s friends’ sites.

Teachings from Retreats and Other Events

These are audio and video recordings of dhamma talks given by monastics to TBC retreats or Sunday morning meditation sessions.

Most Recent Talks
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Talks by Ajahn Candasiri
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Talks by Ajahn Viradhammo
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Talks by Ayya Medhanandhi
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Talks by Ayya Nimmala
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Talks by Venerable Atulo
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Talks by Venerable Khemakho

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Sunday Morning Dhamma Talks

These are some of the talks chosen by our Facilitators at our Sunday meetings.
Bhante Buddharakkhita – Freedom From the Four Distorted Perceptions. 2014-11-06

The TBC Steering Committee dedicated our practice today to the Afzaal family who was murdered in a racially motivated attack last week in London, Ontario.  

We condemn this act of hatred and cruelty. 

We also wish to express our solidarity with our Muslim sisters and brothers. 

We commit to upholding and protecting the anti-discrimination laws in Canada, and also to foster mutual understanding and respect with Muslim and all faith communities.

The TBC Steering Committee has reached out to local Muslim organizations expressing our solidarity with them during this difficult time and sent a donation to the London Community United Against Hate. This fund was set up to support the youngest member of the family, a nine year old child, who survived the attack, and is now in hospital. We send also send much metta to this child.

You can use this link if you would like to add your donation to the fund: United Against Hate

TBC member Frances-Anne Solomon offered the following dedication:

Please join me in offering the merits of today’s meditation to the parents, relatives, communities of 215 children some as young as 3 years old whose remains were found last week in an unmarked grave site on the grounds of the Kamloops residential school in British Columbia; 

to the estimated 3200 other Canadian children whose remains are yet to be recovered from unmarked graves at 120 residential schools that operated across canada until 1996;

to the 150,000 indigenous Canadians who were kidnapped from their families and forced to attend these schools;

to 4,000 missing and murdered Indigenous Canadian women whose names we will hold inside our hearts;

to Joyce Echaquan, who died in hospital after filming her own racist abuse by medical staff on Sept 18 2020. 

We acknowledge this land is the Home of all indigenous peoples from whom it was stolen and who continue to suffer systemic abuse and cultural genocide in Canada.  We ask for their forgiveness for not appreciating the depth of their suffering. 

We grieve with them because these are our children also; our daughters, wives, mothers; part of the Canadian family, and the human family.  

Our hearts are broken. We come together with humility, to offer a healing balm of compassion and loving kindness. May they find peace. 

This “Patient observation, relaxed awareness” Dhamma talk was given by Luang Por Sumedho on the 13th of March 2021 at Amaravati Buddhist Monastery, UK.


Here are some of our favourite writings.
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Dhamma Talk Collections

A selection of web sites where you can find audio talks by teachers in this tradition. 

Talks given by Ajahn Viradhammo at the Tisarana Monastery outside of Perth, Ontario.
Talks and writings by Ayya Medhanandi at the Sati Saraniya Hermitage, also outside of Perth, Ontario.
As read by Ajahn Amaro.
Access all of the audio and text teachings from this monastery.
A huge assortment of talks (more than 4,500 at present), organized by monastic or by collection.
A collection of talks and meditations in the Insight Meditation tradition.
Teachings by many of the monastics in the Thai Forest Tradition under Ajahn Chah.
Includes lectures on his book “In the Buddha’s Words”.

Friends of TBC

These are some of the other communities we are friends with.
Tisarana Monastery, near Perth in Eastern Ontario, is in the Forest tradition of Ajahn Chah. Ajahn Viradhammo, a Canadian, is the abbot. Guests are welcome, but register your visit first. The surrounding countryside is beautiful.
Sati Saraniya Hermitage, not far from Tisarana, is a rural monastic residence for bhikkhunis — fully-ordained women — in the Forest tradition of Theravada Buddhism. Visits are welcomed, but contact them first.
Satipañña meets every Tuesday evening at 7pm at Quaker House, 60 Lowther Avenue in Toronto. Come early to secure your seat. The program is geared to those committed to beginners and experienced meditators.
Buddhist Place serving Peterborough and the Kawarthas meets for practice on Wednesday evenings.
Ottawa Buddhist Society serves Theravada Buddhists of all backgrounds in and around Ottawa, Canada’s Capital.
True North Insight offers insight meditation retreats and courses in English and French.
Dharma Friends supports meditation practice in Toronto’s LGBT community, based in diverse Buddhist philosophies and meditation practices.
Waterloo River Dharma Centre offers weekly meditation groups, beginner’s courses, workshops, retreats, evening and Sunday sittings, visiting Dharma teachers, resource library.

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Where We Meet

Carrot Common
348 Danforth Avenue, Toronto
Room 212

The entrance door is on Danforth Avenue, just to the left of Book City.